Monday, April 22, 2013

Getting the bees into the Hive... or as I like to call it, the Trail of Tears

Can I say one thing?  If you plan on being a bee keeper... read up WAY ahead of time...  This should not be a spur of the moment thing.  Especially if you live in Alaska... The BF and I normally take things slow... we haven't even changed our status on face book after dating for almost 10 months... but for some reason this struck a spark... so here we are Day 3.  I feel like a mass murderer.  Garage was way too cold... soooo. we had them in the "cold" bedroom in the basement with a window open.  Makes me wonder why the last room mate who had that room left??

Also, sugar water jammed up the sprayer... so we just sort of POURED it on the poor guys.  I feel like I'm running a gulag.  Yeah, I get it, they are bugs... but somehow, now that they are MINE... and I'm supposed to be their caretaker... I'm completely freaked out about their well being.  Sure, they aren't fluffy like a puppy... but I've taken the responsibility to care for them.. so you know, survival is kind of what the goal is.  I'm hoping they enjoy the $5 dollar a bottle Agave Nectar instead.

Seriously, I can't stress this enough... PLAN WAY AHEAD... bees wax is totally harder to find than you might think, linseed oil is only found boiled up here, and thankfully I found the last bottle of Cutting Board curing stuff that had mineral oil, bees wax and canuba in it... cause there was NOTHING else... if these bees make it.. it's like the Miracle Crack baby.

I feel so guilty cause I did not read ahead about this.  Wanting to save the world is all good and everything... but wow, folks, you need to read ahead to make sure you don't cause more harm than good.  *praying for the Queen to be happy and safe*  Also, if she makes it.. her name will be "Milagro" which means Miracle in spanish... all the other guys?  They'll be Bob.

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