Monday, April 22, 2013

I'll Never let go Jack, I PROMISE... The Trail of Tears moves on to the Titanic

So yeah... this morning I went to go check on the bees and it was COLD... frost on everything. I was so worried about them, but I couldn't see any of them through the little plexigalss window. So at least I knew they weren't strewn across the bottom... dead. One evening down! Then we were told by a friend that we had to make sure the food source was close to the cluster in these temps, or they wouldn't get to it. So I fretted for the rest of the day until I got home. I run out to check the bees. And it may have been the low blood sugar after not having eaten anything all day...(ME, NOT THE BEES, WE THOUGHT WE'D LEFT THEM A GOOD FOOD SOURCE DAMMIT) but the areas around the hive looked like... uhm... SLAUGHTER. I tried to open up the hive to see if anyone was still left inside, but all the sticky goo we sprayed yesterday prevented me from wedging up the bars...

I was assured by a facebook friend and fellow beekeeper that it was just the hive disposing of their dead. I was sure that I was personally responsible for bee Titanic episode. All the frozen carcasses!! Oh Jack!!! But I digress.

Luckily the intrepid BF showed up later to open up the darn thing.. and feed them the super classy way. With zip lock baggies full of sugar water syrup stuff. Thank god for Facebook and the wonderful Wigi Tozzi and Jesse Joseph for helping me out and not making me feel like a mass murderer.

LOOK! It's the cluster... there is supposedly a Queen in the middle of that... and they look happy OK ALIVE.

So proud of sort of adopted son conquering his fear of bees and getting in to the mix. This boy was terrified of bees... and it just took a little bit of healthy ridicule to get him to don the ever so stylish mosquito netting and latex gloves to help out. Cause really, we're experts right? WHAT COULD GO WRONG? The boy must really love me to expose himself like this. Then we have the BF's boy. Fearless. His goal for the day was to PET a bee. Without the gloves or netting. I'm not really sure he gets the whole BEE thing... and I'm pretty sure when Child Protective Services come a knocking they might not be down with the whole thing either... but in the mean time... AWWWWW how CUTE!!!!!!!

Oh, and here's a close up of Bob.

This blog brought to you by the happy, smiling, porch Buddha...

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