Tuesday, April 22, 2014

1st Sting...

So, as blogger and photographer... I'm usually just outside taking pictures... and I never bother with netting or any kind of protection. Today, just for giggles I wore netting and boots... and one of the little jerks crawled into my boot and stung me. I sincerely believe that the WQD's are just meaner than the other bees...

Anyway, we noted on Easter Sunday, when we fed them last, that it seemed like they're current frames were filling up, so this time when we opened up the hives to feed them, we decided to add an extra frame to each hive.

Here is the extra frame going into the NWC hive...

Adding sugar to the WQD hive..

They aren't building directly on the frames... not sure if we should bust off this section or what.  Needless to say, we are a little paranoid from last year and don't want to accidentally injure/kill the Queen again...

Extra frame going in to the WQD hive.  Apparently, they didn't like us redecorating... also, I think they may just be a more aggressive bee?  Will have to research...

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