Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Bees have arrived!!

The bees are here!!  We bought two packages of them this time.  One batch is Webster's Queen Daughters (WQD), the other is New World Carniolian (NWC).

The picture above is the WQD batch... I was a little concerned because there seems to be a lot more dead bees at the bottom of the container than in the bottom of the NWC batch pictured below.

The overall health of the bees seemed fine... we had them in doors before we had a chance to hive them and within an hour the buzzing was pretty intense.... There were a few bees that managed to escape the containers, but they didn't stray far from the group...

They did, however, manage to gain Evil Kitty's attention...

Then we moved them in to the hives...  

Hiving the New World Carniolians part 1

Hiving the NWC's Part 2 - Because SOMEONE forgot their pocket knife...

Hiving the Webster's Queen Daughters...


Also, please note... the hives are now painted the same color.  I like that the roofs are different though, it will  be easier to track which hive is which!!

The hives themselves have insulated walls, but before we put on the roofs we put a layer of foam board insulation on top of the wooden slats... we're hoping this will keep the hive warm should the temperatures drop, and will keep them safe throughout the winter.  

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