Saturday, April 12, 2014

G'night Sweet Bees

OK, so it started to snow a little.  We have the hives pretty well insulated, but were reminded by W to make sure that the bees were moving out of the packages and around the Queen so she wouldn't get chilly...

This is the foam board that we are using it's 1.5 inches thick and has an insulation value of 7.5.  We have the same board built in to the side walls and floor, plus the plywood we assume the insulation value to be about an 8 or a 9.  

Important to note... that we have made sure that proper ventilation is in place... you can't see it here, but we have soffit vents installed in the floor and in the roof.  It's important because you don't want condensation ending up dripping on your bees.

Video of the check in!

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